Topic 1: Iron and Blood

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Topic 1: Iron and Blood

Messaggio da Spira »

I am creating lessons that open up discussions about commonly held interpretations within the fields of science and dietetics. As a result of Arnold Ehret's work, and the physiological research conducted in Cincinnati over the past 35 years, a new and important paradigm has formed to explain and understand physical phenomena. The problem is that very few health seekers outside of the United States have been exposed to its theories and explanations. My aim is to use Ehret's assertions and our new knowledge of the human body to examine the usefulness of currently held interpretations of natural phenomena. Consequently, we will develop better explanations and deepen our understanding of Ehret's work.

The purpose of this lesson is to philosophically analyze the nature of human blood through Ehret's theoretical frame.

Video: Why Iron Kills Stars: Black Hole Birth ... 02_BH_Iron


As you watch the video (link found above) meditate on the nature of human blood and consider its iron content. In what ways can you connect the nature of human "iron" to the radioactive iron found in space, i.e. the sun and other stars? What happens to the iron in your blood when it combines with oxygen? What happens when oxygen comes into contact with iron mined from the Earth? To what extent can explanations of these questions allow for a deeper understanding about the potentials of our physiology and the nature of our blood?

I wrote the following poem a few years ago. Read it before and after watching the video. You may also want to watch the video a few times. Can you find anything problematic with our contemporary interpretation of what a black hole is?

Red Blood Vessels

Before death
When the earth had no water
I breathed freely.
Radioactive red suns flowed
Through my veins
Illuminating the heavens.

I was the glowing black hole,
Host of the Omniverse,
Chosen to settle among
Blood red pines and tend
Abundant pink and purple
Phalaenopsis with my exhale.

Vibrant petals stretch and bloom.
Masterfully knitted with great detail.
The dark green stems tunnel down
Bringing forth the smell of
Love and the sound of Bliss.

The suns in my Omniversal vessels
Flowed freely, stirring the eternal flame
Emitting the vibrations of cleanliness,
Effervesce of the immortal host.

Before the ravishing of ripe red apples
And tart scarlet cherries was a time
Of pure music. Love the style, Air the
Harmony, Hue the melody, Man the
Instrument and OOM BOOM BA
BOOM the driving rhythm.

-Professor Spira

Please review “The New Physiology Cont.” Lessons 8-9 Blood Composition and Blood Building in the Mucusless Diet Healing System. Also, examine some definitions for "Radioactivity." Use the following questions as a platform for further discussion.


1. Some people say that health is about the radioactivity of the blood. What is meant by this?

2. What does Ehret think "white blood corpuscles" are?

3. Who is Dr. Thomas Powell and what does he call mucus?

4. Who is Julius Hensel and what is his argument regarding the composition of human blood?

5. Fill in the blank: "I presume that the truth and importance is this: The ____ color of blood is the most characteristic quality of this "quite special sap" and is due to _____-____, ____." -Arnold Ehret, Mucusless Diet, Lesson 8.

6. In Lesson 9 Ehret argues that his dietary system will help build perfect human blood. Explain how and why.

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Col traduttore automatico ho afferrato qualcosa, ma il nesso mi sfugge.
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Iscritto il: 28 ottobre 2007, 5:00
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Messaggio da parider »

Creerò lezioni aprendo discussioni circa le interpretazioni comunemente tenute nei campi della scienza e della dietetica.
Come risultato del lavoro di Arnold Ehret, e la ricerca sulla fisiologia condotta a Cincinnati nel corso dei 35 anni passati, un nuovo importante paradigma si è creato per spiegare e capire i fenomeni fisici.
Il problema è che molti pochi cercatori di salute al di fuori degli Stati Uniti sono stati esposti alle sue teorie e spiegazioni.
Il mio obiettivo è usare le affermazioni di Ehret e la nostra nuova conoscenza del corpo umano per esaminare l'utilità delle interpretazioni attualmente tenute sui fenomeni naturali.
Di conseguenza, svilupperemo delle spiegazioni migliori e renderemo più profonda la nostra conoscenza del lavoro di Ehret.


Lo scopo di questa lezione è di analizzare filosoficamente la natura del sangue umano tramite il quadro teorico di Ehret.

Video: Perchè il ferro uccide le stelle: la nascita di un buco nero ... 02_BH_Iron


Come vedete il video (Link sopra) medita sulla natura del sangue umano e considera il suo contenuto di ferro.
In che modi puoi collegare la natura del "ferro" umano col ferro radioattivo trovato nello spazio, per esempio sul sole e le altre stelle?
Cosa accade al ferro nel tuo sangue quando si combina con l'ossigeno?
Cosa accade quando l'ossigeno entra in contatto col ferro estratto dalla terra?
A quale portata possono le spiegazioni di queste domande concedere per una più profonda comprensione circa il potenziale della nostra fisiologia e la natura del nostro sangue?

Ho scritto la seguente poesia qualche anno fa. Leggila prima e dopo aver guardato il video.
Potresti voler vedere il video qualche volta.
Trovi qualcosa di problematico con la nostra attuale intrepretazione di cosa è un buco nero?

Vascelli nel rosso sangue

Prima della morte
Quando la Terra non ebbe più acqua
Io respirai apertamente.
Soli rossi radioattivi scorrevano
attraverso le mie vene
illuminando il paradiso.

Ero il brillante buco nero,
padrone dell'Universo,
scelto per posarsi fra
i pini dal rosso sangue e badare
alle abbondanti rose e viole
Phalaenopsis con il respiro.

Petali vibranti si allungavano e fiorivano.
Unendosi magistralmente in un grande dettaglio.
Gli scuri verdi steli scavarono giù
portando fuori l'odore dell'
Amore e il suono della Felicità.

Il sole nei miei vascelli universali
fluiva apertamente stimolando l'eterna fiamma
emettendo le vibrazioni della pulizia,
OOM BOOM BA BOOM, fiorisce la
vivacità del padrone immortale.

Prima del fascino delle mele rosse mature
e delle aspre ciliege scarlatte era un tempo di
pura musica. Ama lo stile, diffondi l'
armonia, tingi la melodia, l'Uomo lo
strumento e OOM BOOM BA
BOOM il ritmo di guida. (?)

-Professor Spira

Per favore esamina "la nuova fisiologia cont(?)". Lezioni 8-9 Composizione del sangue e costruzione del sangue nel Sistema di guarigione della dieta senza muco. Esamina inoltre alcune definizioni di "Radioattività".
Usa le seguenti domande come spunto per ulteriori discussioni:

1) Alcune persone affermano che la salute riguarda la radioattività del sangue. Cosa significa questo?

2) Cosa Ehret pensa che siano i "corpuscoli bianchi del sangue"?

3) Chi è il dottor Thomas Powell e come chiama il muco?

4) Chi è Julius Hensel e quale è la sua questione circa la composizione del sangue umano?

5) Riempi il vuoto: "Presumo che la verità e l'importanza sono queste: Il ____ colore del sangue è la maggiore qualità caratteristica di qeusta "linfa piuttosto speciale" ed è dovuto a _____ - ______, ______." - Arnold Ehret, la Dieta senza Muco, lezione 8.

6) Nella lezione 9 Ehret sostiene che il suo sistema dietetico aiuterà a costruire un perfetto sangue umano.
Spiega come e perchè

Ho provato a tradurlo, la poesia è venuta qualcosa di veramente incomprensibile :lol:
Ultima modifica di parider il 22 gennaio 2009, 21:05, modificato 1 volta in totale.
Se l'ha fatto l'uomo, non mangiarlo!
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Iscritto il: 19 ottobre 2007, 6:00
Località: santena (to)

Messaggio da sandrod »

parider ha scritto: Ho provato a tradurlo, la poesia è venuta qualcosa di veramente incomprensibile :lol:
tranquillo, anche in inglese è lo stesso :D :D :D

good job! grazie

Ci dobbiamo organizzare per tradurre le prossime lezioni, per fortuna c'è chi può verificare le traduzioni ... io i modi di dire americani non li conosco, ma possiamo contare su Elisa, Danielsam, Mauro per controllare ... :wink: :wink:

"avere il tempo… poter scegliere, non sapere dove si va e andarci lo stesso" Bernard Moitessier
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Iscritto il: 28 novembre 2005, 6:00
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Messaggio da luciano »

Studiare l'inglese no eh?.... :D

Un mondo senza frontiere è un mondo in cui oltre alla propria lingua ognuno conosce una lingua comune a tutti i popoli.

E' capitato alla lingua inglese fare da lingua planetaria.

Imparatela, guardate qualche puntata in meno del grande fratello (scherzo, so che nessuno di voi lo guarda...) ma imparate l'inglese, perchè è molto utile adesso, ma dopo il 2012 vi servirà parecchio. :D
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Iscritto il: 19 ottobre 2007, 6:00
Località: santena (to)

Messaggio da sandrod »

io ci provo, ma le espressioni (modi di dire) non sempre le conosco ...

potrebbe essere utile vedere il grande fratello americano o inglese :wink: :wink:

p.s.: che succede nel 2012?
"avere il tempo… poter scegliere, non sapere dove si va e andarci lo stesso" Bernard Moitessier
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Iscritto il: 28 ottobre 2007, 5:00
Località: Provincia di Milano

Messaggio da parider »

Sarebbe bello sapere che cavolo succederà....
A quanto pare luciano sa qualcosa.... :lol:
Se l'ha fatto l'uomo, non mangiarlo!
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Iscritto il: 28 novembre 2005, 6:00
Località: Riva del Garda

Messaggio da luciano »

sandrod ha scritto:p.s.: che succede nel 2012?
Avremo tre anni di più! :wink:
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Iscritto il: 30 marzo 2008, 6:00
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Messaggio da xavier »

Mmmh...secondo me sai qualcosa...anche nella tua pagina di Facebook ho visto che hai aperto un nuovo gruppo, che si chiama appunto "2012"!! Anzi, mi iscrivo giá da adesso, xché so giá che sará una cosa interessante come tutti i tuoi articoli...
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Iscritto il: 28 aprile 2008, 6:00
Località: Locarno, Svizzera

Messaggio da cavalletta »

Sorry but, in the english section shouldn't we speak english only? I was happy seeing that someone answered to professor Spira but isn't so.
voglio tornar bambino...
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Iscritto il: 16 giugno 2008, 6:00
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Re: Topic 1: Iron and Blood

Messaggio da Antishred »

Spira ha scritto: Iron

As you watch the video (link found above) meditate on the nature of human blood and consider its iron content. In what ways can you connect the nature of human "iron" to the radioactive iron found in space, i.e. the sun and other stars? What happens to the iron in your blood when it combines with oxygen? What happens when oxygen comes into contact with iron mined from the Earth? To what extent can explanations of these questions allow for a deeper understanding about the potentials of our physiology and the nature of our blood?
Wow... this was amazing to know. I am now thinking that my blood is centuries and centuries old, it contains particles and atoms arrived on the Earth aeons ago, when a wonderful star gave her life for me. Ok I'm a bit too romantic, but that's the point :)

On the other hand, I unfortunately recalled that stupid song of Moby's: "We are all made of stars". A bit sad to think about that guy instead of meditating on the Human Nature.

Anyway, thank you so much Spira for sharing the video, I will meditate on your questions during the next weeks.


Meglio la direzione giusta che la velocità
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Iscritto il: 12 gennaio 2009, 6:00
Località: Columbus, Ohio, USA

Is iron good or bad?

Messaggio da Spira »

Question: Is iron good or bad?

Consider the iron in red blood. Is the iron in the blood good or bad? What is the nature of clean human blood?

The concept of our physical bodies being comprised of a system of black holes is an essential one to contemplate. Is there a black hole at the center of an atom? Are we composed of atoms? Where does atomic energy come from? What is the diet of an atom? Do atoms derive their energy through food? If atoms are not fed will they die? Despite the humorous nature of the last three questions, they shed much light on the absurdity of modern metabolic theory.

The last 100 years of research within quantum mechanics can certainly be of use to us in understanding the Ehretist paradigm of physiology. However, erroneous assumptions of metabolism continue to hinder understanding. While discussing atomic spin as the possible origin of perpetual energy, Nassim Haramein and other theorists make explanations based on metabolism. Haramein has certainly contributed much to his field of study, but what is his diet like? How would a fruit eating physicist explain energy? How might a fasting physicist explain the principles of metabolism? Given the erroneous nature of metabolic theory, is it possible to understand universal concepts of energy perpetuation through it? In fact, Vitality=Power-Obstruction may be the missing link to many of the issues in quantum physics. Ehret argues that "metabolism, or the "science of change of matter," is the most absurd and the most dangerous doctrine-teaching ever imposed on mankind. It is the father of the wrong cell theory and of that most erroneous, albumen [protein/pus] theory, which latter theory will kill and stamp out the entire civilized Western world if its following is not stopped. It will kill you , too, some day if you fail to accept the truth that a continual albumen replacement is unnecessary, and that you cannot gain vitality, efficiency and health by protein as long as your human "engine" has to work against obstructions, which are in fact the cause of death of all mankind of the western civilization." (Ehret, "The New Physiology," Mucusless Diet Healing System)

If the consumption of albuminous foods [pus/mucus foods] does not drive the human engine, then what does? Moreover, why do we eat?

Peace, Love, and Breath!

Prof. Spira
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Iscritto il: 16 giugno 2008, 6:00
Località: Torino

Re: Is iron good or bad?

Messaggio da Antishred »

Spira ha scritto:Moreover, why do we eat?
I was thinking about it yesterday.
I discovered nothing new, but this is my conclusion:
it is possible that we started eating in order to feel (apparently) better, as a consequence of the interruption of the detoxication process.
When humanity moved from a fruitarian/(x?)-arian Diet to a carnivorous/omnivorous one, illness started to affect it, but the lack of knowledge didn'permit to find proper solutions.

We know that the truth about dead food is that it acts, in the body, as a stimulating substance, provoking therefore an increase in strength due to the body's effort to eliminate it.
We also know that fruit is too aggressive for the major part of omnivorous people, because of its high mucus-dissolving potential.
As a consequence, an uneducated person can believe in the wrong statement that meat and in general food gives energy, and that the body creates energy by consuming that food. But in the light of the newly reached knowledge, we can definitely assume that the body really consumes energy to digest the dead food and (maybe) also the rigth food, so if it is true, as Prof. Spira once said, that the body uses food to heal himself, than we can easily come to the conclusion that the body needs food when it is ill (i.e. it has mucus).
Obviously, our ancestors did not have our knowledge about the real properties of food, so they acted instintively, limiting the use of food as an instantaneous remedy for their "bad feeling" caused by the detoxication process, that was therefore interrupted.
We also started to eat many times during the day, forcing our body to continuously start and stop the process every 3-6 hours, until the extreme stress ends in what Medicine calls "disease".

So the final question is: Do we started eating just to stop the cleaning process, because by interrupting it we felt better?

I know that ending with a question is not that appropriate, but mine's are just suppositions, free-thinking :D

Bye, and please correct me for any imprecision.

Meglio la direzione giusta che la velocità
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Messaggi: 27
Iscritto il: 12 gennaio 2009, 6:00
Località: Columbus, Ohio, USA

Fable of Aireater

Messaggio da Spira »


Thank you so much for your wonderful response! You are "free thinking" in a very useful and positive direction. You say that we may have started eating to feel better; but better from what? This would presuppose that the human needed to heal, or eliminate some kind of waste. But where did this waste come from? Did it come from vegetables or fruit? Did it come from fruit juice or rain? This begs the question: was there a time when humans did not eat? If we eat only to eliminate, as you mentioned, is it possible that we will not need to eat once we have eliminated our human illnesses, i.e. pus and mucus?

Consider the following story:

The Fable of Aireater

View the live performance:

Brothers and Sisters,

Let me tell you a story about a time long, long ago before death and destruction ruled the land. A time before man knew about pain and suffering; sickness and disease. There lived a people. A perfect immortal people. People that had radioactive blood coursing through their veins. I am talking about the Breathaireans. I am talking about the Children of the Sun.

Among these children there lived one little boy named Aireater who was blessed with the gift of song. Everything that he looked at or touched bursted out with joyous song. One day Aireater was singing a beautiful melody and the vibrations came out of his mouth and penetrated the earth creating a garden full of nothing but black grapes. Aireater had never seen such a sight. For some strange reason he was compelled to eat one of the grapes. . . and as soon as he did he passed out and slept for 50,000 years.

When he woke up he was totally confused. He was in pain! His skin was pale and wrinkly. His hair was straight. He had lost all of his powers, except for one. He still had the gift of song. So he sung out: “Children of the Sun, what have I done?” And as soon as he did, the children appeared before him and told him to stop eating. . . FAST!

Just like Aireater we have forgotten who we are and where we come from. So we must use our gift of song to ask the Children of the Sun for help.

-Prof. Spira

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